First CONTROLLED experiment to demonstrate the effects of Orgone Energy on seed germination

By Sdbmark of QuebecOrgone

Pdf format available here


Problem: It is well-known and accepted, through empirical evidence and numerous user reports, that Orgone Energy such as the one output by Orgone Transmuting Devices generally known as "orgonite devices", affects plant growth in numerous beneficial ways. Quicker growth, added vitality and better resistance to pests and diseases are some of the effects reported by several independant researchers worldwide. However, no controlled experiment as been made yet (that we are aware of). My aim is to prove, and hopefully quantify these beneficial effects by running a serie of controlled experiments.

Hypothesis: It is generally accepted that Orgone Energy is the Life Force which permeates all matter, and infuses life and consciousness to sentient, living beings. It is also generally accepted that an increased amount of beneficial Orgone Energy, described using the term "POR" (positive orgone) brings more vigor, vitality and consciousness to the organisms exposed to it. I suspect that by exposing live, germinating seeds to an increased amount of POR would in turn result in quicker seeds response, higher germination rate and overall increased vigor within the test groups.

Protocol: I have constructed two Orgone Transmuting Devices for the purpose of this experiment. One unit was designed and assembled with specific ingredients which are suspected to beneficially affect plant growth (Paramagnetic rock dust and bio-enzymes). The second unit is a standard Orgone Transmuting Device known as an "HHG". This second unit features the exact same design and ingredients as the "large conical HHG" found on Quebec Orgone's catalog. This device is proven to work as is it intended to, namely to transmute DOR into POR. Countless user reports and empirical evidences act as irrefutable proof in this case.

The first unit is an experimental device. It's effects, be it on plant growth or simply to transmute DOR into POR remain to be demonstrated. Both units contain the exact same amount of epoxy resin and metal (bronze and aluminium). I carefully weighted the bronze contained in each device prior to including it to make sure they both had the same "density". Unit 2 (standard HHG) has a slightly larger crystal as unit 1, but this should not affect performance as unit 1 contains an additional copper resonant cavity, filled with bio-enzymes and into which the crystal is inserted, and this assembly is roughly the same size as crystal in unit #2.

I carefully weighted 3 GROUPS OF 50 GRAMS of white beans, taken from the supermarket. All 3 groups were made using the same bag of beans, and placed in 3 separate, but identical, plastic plates. I then added 30 GRAMS OF WATER to each test group. The water is tap water from the lab, which comes from a quality well.

Group 1 has then been exposed to the experimental Orgone Transmuting Device. The device is placed within centimeters of the plate.

Group 2 is a control group. It is unexposed.

Group 3 has been exposed to the Standard HHG Orgone Transmuting Device. The device is, here again, placed within the same distance to the plate as group 1's unit.

All 3 groups are placed 4 feet apart, to prevent the effects of Orgone Energy from affecting all 3 groups at once. I would have placed them further apart, but I wanted to minimize the variables, such as ley-line, shumann and other geopathic factors, from affecting the experiment.

Environment: This experiment is ran in a basement, with constant temperature of 22 degrees C and 65% RH. All plates were deposited on the floor (cement).


The weight results of this experiment are presented in the table below:

Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
0hr 80g 80g 80g
14hr 74g 64g 68g
ADDED 20 Grams of water 14hr 94g 84g 88g
and covered the plates*
18hr 92g 82g 84g
24hr 92g 82g 84g
36hr 92g 82g 84g
60hr 92g 82g 84g
84hr 92g 80g 82g
100hr 90g 80g 82g
124hr 90g 80g 82g
*Seeds were drying out

Visual evaluation and notes:

@14hr: I was surprised to note that a few seeds had already germinated in all 3 groups. Group 1's growing sprouts seemed a bit longer, but it is premature at this time to even mention this. If it weren't for the obvious difference in weight, all three groups looked the same. It is strange to note that Group 1 and Group 3's evaporation rate seemed to have been considerably slower, OR the seeds themselves increased their mass comparing to the control group. Which of the two explanations is valid remains to be determined.

@18hr: Visually, nothing changed. Some water evaporation seems to be happening again, despite having covered the plates. I guess I should replace the cardboard covering by something else. I'll do this now. It’s interesting to note that Group 3 appears to have lost more water to evaporation than both previous groups. This could be due to scale fluctuations. I definitely need to get a lab grade scale for future experiments.

@24hr: No weight fluctuations can be observed. Likewise, there doesn’t appear to be much difference, visually. Group 3 seems to have quite a few more sprouts, but that’s about it. I’m guessing the next 24 hours will be much more interesting though.

@36hr. Again, no weight differences to be noted. It is now obvious that the sprouting process is well started in all 3 groups though. Group 1 and 3 appear to have a bit more individual sprouts than group 2, but this observation is subjective as I didn’t count them individually. I suspect that, given the relatively small starting weight of all 3 groups, any weight gain cannot be measured adequately by the digital scale I’m using. A 0.1g graduated scale would be in order to register any difference at this point in time, I suspect.

@60hr. There is, visually, virtually no difference between Group 1 and Group 2. Both groups appear to have the same number of sprouts, and their individual growth rate seems identical. As for Group 3, it seems to be lagging behind a little bit, to my greatest surprise. Could Orgone Energy be slowing down the first sprouting steps? The weights remain unchanged in all 3 groups.

@84hr. These weight fluctuations mystify me. I was expecting a weight gain, not the opposite ;) Group 2 and 3 both lost 2 grams each, while Group 1 remains unchanged. There is, visually, a noticeable difference now between Group 1 and the others. Group 1 has quite a few more individual sprouts, and these appear in fact to be growing faster than the ones in Group 2 and Group 3. The difference is minimal though, and one needs to look real close to really notice it.

@100hr. Visually, there is a major difference between Group 1 and the other 2. The sprouts are more numerous and much longer. But what attracted my attention this afternoon is the strong, disgusting, rotten odor coming from Group 2. It smells horrible, really. This odor is literally absent from Group 1. Group 3 does smell a little, but definitely not as much as Group 2!

This is very interesting. It appears as if Orgone Energy slowed down (Group 3) or plain inhibited (Group 1) the formation and growth of bad bacteria.

Group 1 finally lost 2 grams, just like the other 2 groups did @ 84hr. I’m looking forward to conclude this experiment in 48 hours from now!

@124hr. Group 2 stinks! It’s horrible… A thin layer of gross jelly-like substance can be observed on the plate! Some seeds are covered with green fungal growth. Group 3 smell a little bit, but not nearly as much as Group 2! Group 1 is in great shape. It still smells fresh, albeit a faint rotten smell in the background that’s more like fruity, alcohol-like than anything else…

It is now obvious that Group 1 sprouted much more individual seeds, while Group 3 has less than Group 1 but considerably more than Group 2.

I estimate that over 60% of the seeds sprouted in Group 1. In Group 2, it appears more like 25-30%, while Group 3 is more like 40-50%.

Many sprouts in Group 1 already grew several roots out of the taproot. This also happened in Group 3, but only on a couple individual sprouts. This is definitely not the case in Group 2, where I only saw one.

I will be ending this experiment prematurely right now, the smell is unbearable.


Not much can be concluded from looking at the weight measurement table, except the fact that Orgone Energy seemed to have slowed down the evaporation rate in the beginning, when the plates where left uncovered.

I’m planning to obtain a lab-grade scale, with 0.1g increments, for future experiments. I’m hoping this will shed more light on the weight fluctuations observed. I’m suspecting that fungal and bacteria growth are closely related to these weight fluctuations. Future experiments will clear that out, hopefully.

It is obvious to me that Orgone Energy affected in a positive way the sprouting process and early growth stages of both Group 1 and 3, although the effects were much more considerable on Group 1. This further indicates that orgone devices specifically constructed to influence vegetal life are superior, in that application, to standard orgone devices. Furthermore, this serves as validation that my new prototype, used on Group 1, is effective.

While Orgone Energy obviously speeds up the growth process and clearly increased the germination rate of both Group 1 and 3, the most obvious effects where in the reduction of life-destroying organisms such as fungus and bad bacteria. I’m wondering if this effect alone is responsible for the increased growth and higher germination rate, or if these increases are directly linked to being exposed to higher energy levels.

This experiment serves to further validate that Orgone Transmuting Devices (orgonite) do in fact transmute DOR into POR, as can be seen by the drastic reduction of organisms feeding on DOR.

I can objectively conclude that Orgone Energy has a definite, observable effect on seed germination. This effect could be quantified as a 200% increase in germination, in the best case, that is comparing Group 1 to the control group. Using a standard orgonite device, not specifically constructed to affect vegetal life, this increase can be evaluated at 100%.


This experiment was conducted in August 2005 at Quebec Orgone research and development center, in St-Hippolyte, Canada.

Reproduction and distribution of this document is permitted, as long as its content is left intact with no modifications whatsoever.

If you would like to repeat this experiment, or a variant of it, PLEASE DO SO. It would be kind of you to share your results with us at so we can keep on documenting the research being conducting within this fascinating world of Orgone Energy.

The devices used for this experiment are available for sale* at We encourage you to build your own, however you may want to obtain them ready-made from us. This helps us pursue these researches and go forward.
* At the time of this writing (August 10th, 2005), the experimental unit used on Group 1 is NOT YET available for sale as we intend to test it further before putting it on the market. It will then be marketed as “Vegetal HHG”. Check our catalog for details.

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