How to do an earth pipe

How To Make Earthpipes: by Don Croft, edited by Dooney

Note: A picture tutorial can be find here

1. Cut a length of 1 1/2 inch copper or aluminum pipe into 13" lengths

2. Thoroughly tape one end of each pipe closed. If you're not thorough, resin will leak out the bottom.

3. Temporarily tape or wire seven of the pipes together so that the whole will stand up by itself with the taped ends at the bottom. [Optional]

4. The orgonite "plug" in the bottom of each EP needs to be at least five inches long, so drop 2 or 3 oz of mixed orgonite in each pipe.

5. Select a suitable xtal for each pipe. We use xtals that are at least an inch long and at least a quarter inch thick and have one distinct point.

6. Cut 13" of bare copper wire. We use 18 gauge wire but the point is to use wire that's thick enough to hold a shape and thin enough to work easily. Those coil forms that Christy in Ireland makes are wonderful for making suitable coils. They're available from

7. After bending the wire to resemble the end of a big screw, just like was done for the HHG, only smaller, pinch the small end of the coil around the middle of the crystal. Remember that the whole thing will have to fit easily in the pipe. You may want to tape or glue the coil to the crystal so the unit doesn't fall apart when you drop it down into the pipe.

8. Here's the mind bending bit: as with the HHG, these are being made upside down. The xtal in the Earthpipe points down into the ground. The hollow end of the pipe is the bottom. The cone shape of the coil flares away from the pointed end of the crystal. When the pipe is in the ground, the xtal points down and the cone coil opens upward from the middle of the xtal, sort of like a dart in a blowgun

9. I measured the amount of orgonite in an Earthpipe and it's five ounces, so after you drop the xtal in the pipe in the proper orientation, just spoon in the remaining orgonite. If you mix it loosely enough, the mass of orgonite will fill in around the coil and xtal, don't worry. [To give you a visual, the taped end of the pipe is standing on your pouring surface. Some metal shavings and resin go in the pipe. You place the coil-wrapped crystal in the pipe with the crystal pointing up, so the large end of the coil goes in first. Hence, it's very helpful to glue the crystal to the coil. It's no fun to fish the crystal out of the resin when it falls out of the coil. -Dooney]

10. When you get to the target area, just pound the whole thing down into sufficiently soft, stone-free ground. I hammer the pipe with a six pound sledge hammer. It damages the pipe a little but thatís okay. Remember that the orgonite plug is in the top of the device. This takes advantage of the resonant cavity principle. [The empty end of the EP gets pounded into the ground so that the crystal is pointing through the empty space toward the ground. It's not as complicated as it'll understand once you make one. -Dooney]

11. You need a six pound sledge hammer or so to knock these into the ground. Just hammer the end of the pipe in that case. If you can find a stream, swamp or estuary you can probably just push it all the way into the ground.


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